Membership Categories and Fee Structure


In 2017, the WFCP's Board of Directors re-visited our member fees to recognize the difference in resources available for developing countries. Membership fees and a new member fee category (low-middle income) were introduced at the April 29, 2017 Annual General Meeting. These fees are effective as of January 1st 2018.

In June 2018, the Board agreed to a new sub-category: Associate (Individual). Individual members form part of the network of practitioners and leaders committed to enhancing the standing and impact of professional and technical education and training across the globe. Members join the largest global network of colleges and polytechnics. Individual Membership operates from July to June and includes the following benefits

Institutional Membership

Full membership is open to institutions as defined by the WFCP Constitution (post secondary and further education institutions other than universities which have a primary mission at the Applied Education and/or Technical Education and Training level).

Institutional Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Right to participate and vote at the WFCP Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Right to stand for election as a member of the WFCP Board of Directors and as Chair,
  • Participation in WFCP sponsored events at a discounted registration fee (i.e. WFCP World Congress, WFCP regional and specialized workshops)
  • Opportunity to participate in WFCP Affinity Groups and Task Forces
  • Opportunity to contribute and receive WFCP quarterly newsletter
  • Member access to WFCP website to share information with other WFCP members
  • Permission to use WFCP logo to demonstrate that you are a member to the World Federations of Colleges and Polytechnics and uphold the same values and principles of the Federation.

Institutional Membership fees are as follows:

Category as per Country GNP Annual Fees based on institutional enrollment (US$)
< 500 students 500 – 3000  3000 – 8000 > 8000 

Low income $100 $300 $500 $800
Low-middle income $200 $500 $1000 $1400
Middle income $600 $1000 $1500 $2000
High income $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000

Membership is granted by the decision of the WFCP Board of Directors upon thorough review of requested information. The fee schedule represents an annual rate; membership fees not prorated.

Association Membership

Full membership is open to those associations who officially represent at either the national or regional level those institutions as defined by the WFCP Constitution.

Association Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Right to participate and vote at the WFCP Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Right to stand for election as a member of the WFCP Board of Directors and as Chair,
  • Participation in WFCP sponsored events at a discounted registration fee (i.e. WFCP World Congress, WFCP regional and specialized workshops)
  • Opportunity to participate in WFCP Affinity Groups and Task Forces
  • Opportunity to contribute and receive WFCP Quarterly newsletter
  • Member access to WFCP website to share information with other WFCP members
  • Permission to use WFCP logo to demonstrate that you are a member to the World Federations of Colleges and Polytechnics and uphold the same values and principles of the Federation.

Association Membership fees are as follows:

Category as per Country GNP Annual Fees ($US)
Low income countries $800
Low-middle income countries $1600
Middle income countries $2500
High income countries $4000

Membership is granted by the decision of the WFCP Board of Directors upon thorough review of requested information. The fee schedule represents an annual rate; membership fees not prorated.

Affiliates Membership

Affiliate membership is open to all non-government organizations and networks, national or international in nature, whose primary mandate is directly related and/or complimentary to the aims and objectives of the WFCP but which are not eligible to join the Federation as full members.

Affiliates Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Right to participate at the WFCP Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Participation in WFCP events at a discounted registration fee (i.e. WFCP World Congress, WFCP regional and specialized workshops)
  • Opportunity to participate in WFCP Affinity Groups and Task Forces
  • Opportunity to contribute and receive WFCP newsletter
  • Member access to WFCP website to share information with other WFCP members
  • Permission to use WFCP logo to demonstrate that you are a member to the World Federations of Colleges and Polytechnics and uphold the same values and principles of the Federation.

Annual Fees (in $US): $1000

Membership is granted by the decision of the WFCP Board of Directors upon thorough review of requested information. The fee schedule represents an annual rate; membership fees not prorated.

Associates Membership

Associate membership is open to individuals who's present /past career has been devoted to Applied Education and Technical Education and training in ways directly related to the aims and objectives of the WFCP and who occupy/occupied positions of leadership in this domain.

Associates Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Right to participate at the WFCP Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Participation in WFCP events at the WFCP member discounted registration fees (i.e. WFCP World Congress, WFCP regional and specialized workshops)
  • Opportunity to participate in WFCP Affinity Groups and Task Forces
  • Opportunity to contribute and receive WFCP newsletter
  • Member access to WFCP website to share information with other WFCP members
  • Permission to use WFCP logo to demonstrate that you are a member to the World Federations of Colleges and Polytechnics and uphold the same values and principles of the Federation.

Annual Fees (in $US): $500

Membership is granted by the decision of the WFCP Board of Directors upon thorough review of requested information. The fee schedule represents an annual rate (July to June); membership fees not prorated.

Associate (Individual) Membership

Individual membership is open to anyone who is engaged in the delivery of Applied Education and Technical Education and Training, either as training and faculty staff or in support organisations. Individual members form part of the network of practitioners and leaders committed to enhancing the standing and impact of professional and technical education and training across the globe. Members join the largest global network of colleges and polytechnics.

Individual Membership operates from July to June and includes the following benefits:

  • Participation in WFCP events at the WFCP member discounted registration fees (i.e. WFCP World Congress, WFCP regional and specialized workshops)
  • Opportunity to participate in WFCP Affinity Groups and Task Forces
  • Ability to nominate for WFCP Awards of Excellence
  • Opportunity to contribute to and receive WFCP newsletter
  • Member access to WFCP website to share information with other WFCP members
  • Permission to use WFCP logo to demonstrate commitment to the mission and values of the WFCP
  • Enter into exchange opportunities with other individual members of WFCP.

Annual Fees (in $US): $300


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Learn more about our Award winning institutions, individuals and programs engaged in professional and technical education and training (PTET) from around the world.

World's Best Practice Guide

World's Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 4

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the fourth volume of the World's Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training. The fourth volume highlights and recognizes the contributions of award-winning institutions, individuals and projects engaged in professional and technical education and training from the Federation's 2022 Awards of Excellence.

World's Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 3

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the third volume of the World's Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training. As in our two previous editions, this third volume features award winning institutions, individuals and projects engaged in professional and technical education and training (PTET) from the Federation's 2020 Awards of Excellence.

World's Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 2

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the Second World's Best Practice Guide in Professional and Technical Education and Training. As with the first edition, the second edition features award winning institutions, individuals and programs engaged in professional and technical education and training (PTET) from the Federation's 2018 Awards of Excellence. The Guide demonstrates the responsiveness, innovation, and focus of Federation members; it is designed to offer guidance to other actors in PTET as they embark on their own projects to enhance the education they offer and the learning their students receive.

World Best Practices Guide in Professional and Technical Education – Volume 1

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present its first World Best Practices Guide in Professional and Technical Education. The Guide pulls together profiles of the recipients of the WFCP's second Awards of Excellence, which recognized the contributions and accomplishments our members make to the world of professional and technical education and training.

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